Members Star in 'Opportunity Knock$': a Show About Financial Solutions
In season 2 of the public television series 'Opportunity Knock$,' BECU offers a struggling family empathy, hope and a path to financial freedom through loan consolidation and financial health coaching.
'Opportunity Knock$' is a reality show about Americans who are struggling financially. For its second season, show producers invited BECU to participate and work with a local family to do what we do best: provide solutions and education to improve members' financial well-being.
"We did this show believing BECU could make a positive difference in this family's life as part of a larger support system to help them solve their financial challenges," said Jill Vicente, BECU VP of Social Impact. "This is us living our purpose, and we saw it as a new way to talk about financial health openly and honestly to help remove the stigma connected to living with debt and asking for help. Pulling resources together, coupled with education and support, is empowering and necessary to put people on the path to financial freedom."
About the Show
Unlike some reality shows, 'Opportunity Knock$' is not staged. Underwritten by the National Council for Financial Opportunities, a nonprofit organization committed to poverty reduction and wealth building in underrepresented and underserved populations, the show focuses on helping the 40% of Americans who live on survival budgets. With the support of coaches, nonprofits, and credit unions like BECU, families on the show receive guidance through financial challenges so they can take control of their financial journey and build better lives.
About the Members
Season 2 features members Lynette and Omar, a married couple who were struggling to make payments on multiple payday loans. After learning about their financial situation and discussing the options, BECU representatives identified some solutions to make a significant difference in Lynette and Omar's financial lives. This included consolidating their existing loans into one personal loan with a better interest rate, saving them more than $1,650 per month.
Lynette and Omar also met with Stacey Black, BECU lead financial educator, who counseled them on first-time homebuying. To help them realize their dream of buying a house someday, Black suggested some initial steps like getting their budget in order. She also walked through the up-front and monthly costs that come with buying a home.
"It felt good to give them something they can use moving forward. They shared their hopes and dreams for the future, and they're looking forward to building a sense of community in their home with their kids ... a place to call their own," Black said. "They were so thankful for the information I shared. I love that we were part of this production not only because we're helping this family but also because it shows what we do every day. This is how we impact members all the time and reinforces who we are and why we do what we do as a credit union."
How To Watch 'Opportunity Knock$'
Season 2 of 'Opportunity Knock$' is now airing nationally on various Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) stations, including KCTS in the Greater Seattle area and KSPS in Spokane. Visit the 'Opportunity Knock$' website for more information and to stream all episodes.