People Helping People Community
The BECU People Helping People community is an incredible network of past recipient organizations. This network formed organically as People Helping People Award (PHPA) recipients met at our annual celebration and started to form working partnerships. This page exists to support the People Helping People community in making sure each organization has access to the funding opportunities available through the PHPA program, and in helping organizations make connections with each other.
This page is private. The URL is shared only with past PHPA recipient organizations. Please do not share this URL or the information contained on this page with any organizations or individuals who are not part of this community.
Collaboration Grant
The Collaboration Grant is a joint opportunity for two or more past PHPA recipients to receive funding for collaborating on a project. Please see the Collaboration Grant guidelines and official rules for additional eligibility requirements and instructions on how to apply (linked below).
- The 2023 Collaboration Grant application window is open from September 8 to September 29,2023.
- To explore possible collaborations with past PHPA recipients, we have created a document with contact information and basic information about the services provided by each nonprofit (linked below).
If you would like to change your organization's information or be removed from the list, please contact us at communityrelations@becu.org.
Additional Resources
Glidepath Funding
After receiving a People Helping People Award, each organization is eligible for $2,500 in additional support, called glidepath funding, for the following two years. After the two years, organizations are no longer eligible to receive glidepath funding but are eligible to be nominated again for PHPA.
- 2020 - Initial PHPA Award
- 2021 - $2,500 glidepath funding
- 2022 - $2,500 glidepath funding
- 2023 - Eligible for PHPA nomination, no longer eligible for glidepath
To request glidepath funds for your organization, please complete our online giving request form. When prompted to select a BECU Strategy that fits your project best, please select “Glide Path (applicable only to former People Helping People Award recipients).”
2023 Glidepath Funding Request Timeline: Ongoing, expect a response within 30 days from submitting a giving request.
Eligible Organizations: 2021 and 2022 PHPA recipients.
Past Recipients' Choice Award: In October, we will contact you via email with a link to help us select the recipient of the $30,000 Past PHPA Recipients' Choice Award. You will be able to cast your vote for the 2023 PHPA finalist you think is most deserving of these funds.
Awards Ceremony: All organizations in the PHPA community are invited to attend the annual PHPA celebration. Due to space restrictions, invitations to attend the in-person event will be limited, and an invitation to attend virtually will be provided to all past recipients. The 2023 event will be held on December 7. Details are still in the works, and invitations will be sent in the fall.
Award Eligibility: Past PHPA recipients are eligible to be nominated for a People Helping People Award on a 3-year cycle. For example: If your organization received an award in 2021, it is eligible to be nominated again in 2024. There are some limitations: An organization is limited to receive three total PHP Awards over the life of the program and may only receive one “named award” (Member Volunteer of the Year or a Choice Award) in the lifetime of the program. Organizations may apply for Collaboration Grants in the year immediately following receipt of their award.
More information on our People Helping People program can be found at becu.org/awards
Contact Us
Feel free to email communityrelations@becu.org any time with questions.